Tuesday, March 12, 2013

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KPI Mentioned In Jan-Feb 2013 Issue of Oracle Magazine

The project led by me won Oracle Excellence Award 2012.


Oracle BI Apps: Historical Data Conversion

A Cost Effecive Approach To Historical Data Conversion

Many customers embark on the process of deploying Oracle BI Applications soon after they go live with the new or upgraded ERP system. A successful BI Apps deployment can bring in numerous benefits – the most notable is the data driven decision making in the organization. However, the success of the project depends a lot on having a good understanding of the challenges that are endemic to such BI deployments. These challenges require business decisions that must be made at the onset of the project to avoid the situation in which too much is promised and little is delivered.

The biggest such challenge is Historical Data conversion. The best way to define it is to break it down into 3 problems.

1.       How do I bring my data from the new ERP system into business analytics warehouse?

2.       How do I bring my data from the old ERP system into business analytics warehouse?

3.       How do I integrate my old ERP data with new ERP data such that I can seamlessly report on the combined dataset?

A cost –effective and low risk approach to solve the first two problems is to use the Oracle Out of the Box ETL adaptors. Essentially, Oracle provides prebuilt ETL adaptors for multiple versions of the ERP systems such as EBS R12, EBS R11, PeopleSoft, etc.  Oracle also provides a universal adaptor that can be used to bring data into the warehouse from the source systems for which there is no prebuilt ETL adaptor available. These adaptors with some customizations can be used to bring in the data set from both the new and the old ERP systems.

For the benefit of more technical audience, the following customizations at high level are required, should this approach is followed.

1.       Assigning different data source number identifiers to the new and the old ERP system.

2.       Minor changes in the OOTB Informatica code to decouple the configuration files that are shared between the new and the old ERP systems.

3.       A few changes in DAC code to building a consolidated multi-source execution plan for both the new and the old ERP systems.


However, simply bringing in data from the old and the new ERP system into data warehouse does not solve the problem 3 - How do I integrate my old ERP data with new ERP data such that I can seamlessly report on the combined dataset?

In fact, in Oracle BI Apps world this is among the toughest problem to crack and unfortunately, there is no OOTB code available.  Here the management needs to take a hard look at the available time, budget, and expertise before deciding on the approach to solve the problem 3. Simply, embarking on the system wide integration of the old and the new ERP data without doing a thorough analysis of the associated ROI and the risk may not be a good idea. Here one needs to ask the following questions before deciding on the approach to solve the problem 3.

1.       Can my most business questions be solved by querying the old ERP only or the new ERP only dataset?

2.       What percentage of my critical business requirements demands an integrated view of the data from the old and new ERP systems? List these requirements.

3.       A year or two down the line, how many of requirements identified in the step 2 can be fulfilled using the data only from the new ERP system?

These questions will help management to articulate more precisely the scope and the ROI associated with Problem 3.

Generally, it turns out that the full system wide integration of the new ERP and the old ERP data is not required. This exercise also produces less than a handful of requirements (mainly, in form of reports) which require integrated view of the old and the new dataset.  These requirements a can be fulfilled cost effectively by creating additional views in the data warehouse.  The reports created on these views can then leverage OBIEE drill down and navigation feature do to more detailed analysis that requires only the new or only the old dataset. 

The following diagram summarizes the approach described in here using EBS R11 an example for the old ERP system and EBS R12 as an example for the new ERP system.


A couple of questions that are left unanswered in this blog are :

1)      Why integrating datasets  from the new and the old ERP systems in data warehouse is so hard?

2)      What do I do, if I absolutely need to have the full system wide or say the whole module wide integration of the old and the new ERP data set?

These would be the topics of my next blog.


Puneet Aggarwal

Consulting Manager,

KPI Partners.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Configuring Oracle BI Scheduler

What is Oracle BI Scheduler

Oracle BI Scheduler is a service that manages and schedules jobs. Oracle BI Scheduler supports two kinds of jobs:

Scripted jobs.

Scripted jobs are set up and submitted using the Job Manager feature of the Oracle Business

Intelligence Server Administration Tool. For example, a scripted job could periodically load Oracle

BI Server usage statistics into a back-end database. For scripted jobs, Oracle BI Scheduler

communicates with Oracle BI Server.

Oracle BI Scheduler supports two published Java interfaces and two scripting languages.

Supported Java interfaces:

  • SchedulerJavaExtension.java
  • SchedulerJobInfo.java

Supported script languages:

  • VBScript
  • Jscript

Unscripted jobs, called iBots.

iBots deliver reports and alerts to end users. iBots are configured and submitted for execution

using Oracle Business Intelligence Delivers. Oracle BI Scheduler communicates with Oracle

Business Intelligence Presentation Services for unscripted jobs.


Step 1: Creating Oracle BI Scheduler databases and tables

1) Make sure that you have a valid database administrator account to create a database and tables.

2) Create the database and call it SCHED_TEST_DB

3) Run SAJOBS.MSSQL.SQL /SAJOBS.ORACLE.SQL script to create the necessary tables in the database SCHED_TEST_DB for the scheduler. This script is present at ORACLEBI_HOME\Server\Scripts

4) Verify that S_NQ_ERR_MSG, S_NQ_INSTANCE, S_NQ_JOB, and S_NQ_JOB_PARAM are created.

Please note that separate Databases needs to be created for BI scheduler in QA and production environment.


Step 2: Create System DSN for the scheduler database

Create a new System DSN on the machine where BI Scheduler service is supposed to run.

Oracle database guys can simply give TNS service name as DSN name and hence if they wish can skip this step.

1) From the Windows Start menu, select Settings > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Data Sources (ODBC).

2) Start the ODBC Data Source Administrator

3) Select the System DSN tab, and then click Add.

4) Select the driver SQL Server, and then click Finish

5) In the wizard Create a New Data Source to SQL Server, do the following

6) Select the appropriate Authentication

7) Make sure check box corresponding to ‘Connect to SQL Server …’ is ticked and click next

8) Check the box corresponding to ‘Select default database’ and select BI Scheduler database created in the step 1. Leave other fields as default.

9) Click next and then finish.

10)Test the connection. The result should be a success.

Please ensure that the default database of the system DSN should not be left blank.


Step 3: Configure Job Manager

1) From the Windows Start menu, select Programs->Oracle BI Intelligence->Job Manager.

2) Job Manager Window pops up. Fill in the values as shown in the screenshot.


3) Click Scheduler->General tab and Fill in the values as shown in the screen shot below.


Please Note that Administrator Name is the RPD Administrator. Or you can create a new account in the RPD with admin writes.

Type in Administrator Name: Administrator

Administrator Password: xxxxx

4) Click on Mail->General Tab and fill in the values as shown in the screenshot below. Display Name can be changed to whatever seems to be appropriate.


5) For rest of the fields, leave them to their default values and click OK.


Step 4: Configure instanceconfig.xml

1) Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing from OracleBIData_HOME/web/config

2) Between the <ServerInstance></ServerInstance> tags, locate the tag pair <Alerts> and </Alerts>. (If they do not exist, create them.)

3) Between the Alerts tags, create the tag pair <ScheduleServer> and </ScheduleServer>.

4) Between the ScheduleServer tags, insert the machine name of the Scheduler machine. Please see the screen shot below

5) Save the file when you are done.


Your changes take effect when the Oracle BI Presentation Services service is restarted.


Step 5: Configure credentialstore.xml

Open command prompt (Press Windows+R and type in cmd)

i) Run the following command.

cryptotools credstore -add –infile OracleBIData/web/configcredentialstore.xml

ii)>Credential Alias: admin

iii)>Username: Administrator

iv)>Password: DTADMIN

v)>Do you want to encrypt the password? y/n (y):

vi)>Passphrase for encryption: secret

vii)>Do you want to write the passphrase to the xml? y/n (y):

viii)>File "OracleBIData_HOME/web/config/credentialstore.xml" exists. Do you want to overwrite it? y/n (y)

Please note that Credential Alias must always be ‘admin’. BI Presentation service identifies BI Scheduler service using this alias.


Step 6: Reconfigure instanceconfig.xml

The reconfiguration of instance config is done to identify the credentialstore.xml.

1) Open the instanceconfig.xml file for editing.

2) Locate the <CredentialStore> node within this file

3) If the <CredentialStore> node does not exist, create this element with sub-elements and attributes. See the screenshot below.


4) Restart Presentation Services to reflect the configuration changes.


Step 7: Start BI Scheduler Service

1) Restart Oracle BI Server,

2) Restart Oracle BI Presentation Server

3) Restart Oracle BI Scheduler Service.


Step 8: Test the setup

To test the setup, create a very simple iBOT and see whether it works.

Procedure to create a simple iBOT.

1) Log into BI Presentation Analytics homepage using Administrator account

2) Go to ‘Settings’ on the top right corner and then go to ‘My Account’.


3) ‘My Account’ window pops up. Click on Add Email Device.


4) Add Email Device as shown in the screenshot below and then click finish.

5) Click on Add Delivery profile and then add Delivery profile as shown in the screenshot.


6) Again to ‘Settings’-> Administration->Manage Privileges.

7) Check for the privileges for ‘Delivers’. Ensure that privileges are awarded as shown or according to the business needs


8) Click on ‘More Products’ and then click on ‘Delivers’


9) Click on ‘Create iBot’ and select the ‘Recipients’ Tab


10) Check ‘Me’ box and add more recipients if you want to.


11) Select ‘Delivery Content’ and select a report from ‘select content’ tab.

12) Give headline in Headline text box. This would appear as Subject line for the email.


13) Go to ‘Destination’ Tab and check Email box.


14) Go to ‘Schedule’ Tab and check start immediately.


15) Save the iBot.


After a couple of Minutes if the setup is configured correctly, you should get the alert on email. If you get an email, this implies that BI Scheduler has been setup correctly.




Oracle® Business Intelligence Infrastructure Installation and Configuration Guide


April 2007


Oracle® Business Intelligence Scheduler Guide


December 2006